Parent Support
As a parent myself, therapist and educator, I am here to support and empower you to be the parent that you want to be.
1:1 Sessions for Parents
Whether you need assistance with a baby that won’t sleep, a toddler that won’t cooperate, experienced a traumatic birth, or struggling as a new Mama, or parenting a child with additional needs, I can assist you in a one-on-one session. These sessions are tailored to your needs, in a safe, supportive and compassionate environment.
I can support you with the following topics, including but not limited to:
Birth - leading up to birth, as well as debriefs
Infancy - including sleep issues, crying, feeding, etc
Dealing with tantrums, sibling rivalry, eating, etc
Bringing more play into your life and supporting your children without rewards and punishments
Supporting your child in adjusting to life’s changes
Parenting children with additional needs or medical conditions - I work with many children and their parents who have special needs. You can listen to my story as a guest on The Aware Parenting Podcast here.
Parental personal growth, including inner child work, ways to meet your own needs, parental burnout, etc
A natural learning approach to education and early learning

Work With Me
Single Session
Sessions are tailored to your needs in a safe, supportive and compassionate environment. If you would either like to Pay As You Go, or you would just like to start off with a session before considering one of the transformative parenting journey packages, then this is option might suit you the best. Sessions are 50 minutes and we meet online via Zoom.
Price: $166 AUD -
Dew Drop Journey
Do you need support so that you can better support your child/ren through life’s challenges? Rejuvenate your parenting journey with 4 weekly sessions where we’ll gently drop into where you are in this moment, reflecting on where you would like to be, and be compassionately supported in the areas you are needing change.
Price: $576 AUD
4 x $144 weekly plan -
Wattle Immersion
On this adventure of 7 weekly sessions, we dive deeper into the parent you are, the childhood that may be affecting you in this moment, and the parent you desire to be. At the end of this journey, you will have more awareness, insight, confidence and compassion to not just create the parenting life you want, you will also be living it!
Price: $1008 AUD
7 x $144 fortnightly plan -
Web Creation Journey
This journey of 12 weekly sessions, is all about weaving the life you are needing for yourself and your family, as well as creating lasting change. I’ll support you with reflecting where you have been, processing what is happening for you, releasing what is no longer serving you, and creating meaningful connections with yourself and your child/ren on your journey with parenting and through life.
Price: $1728 AUD
12 x $144 fortnightly plan
All of the Journey Packages also include a Self-Reflection Journal, which will be emailed to you after purchase.
Aware Parenting & Early Childhood Educator Experience
As a Certified Level 2 Aware Parenting Instructor, I also offer consultations which focus on this parenting approach. Aware Parenting can be extremely helpful for babies who have trouble sleeping, sibling rivalry, tantrums, adjusting to life’s changes and so much more.
I ran my own successful play-based family day care for 10 years and am a fully qualified Early Childhood Educator. I have extensive experience working with children and their parents to form empowering, harmonious relationships. I have almost 20 years of study, degree, qualifications, knowledge and experience in psychology, counselling, child development, trauma and neuroscience. Learn more about my qualifications and journey here.
Questions? Not sure which journey is right for you? Please reach out via the button below and we’ll go from there.
Spirited Hearts® The Podcast
Welcome to Spirited Hearts® The Podcast with Stephanie Heartfield. This is a space filled with rich, beautiful, authentic, alive and empowering conversations about parenting, motherhood, natural learning, homeschooling, early childhood education and life. Nothing is off limits, and we explore many of life's challenges and struggles, as well as the beauty and joy. Filled with heartfelt and meaningful content, this is the perfect podcast for you if you want to delve into the deep topics of life in an aware space where you are welcome to reflect and enjoy a cup of tea.
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