My 10 Year Old's Traumatic Memory of When He Was One DAY Old!
My 10 year old had been experiencing some big feelings, instead of releasing them, he was doing everything he could to keep them in.
This week he became upset because the speakers on his computer weren't working, this was what is referred to in Aware Parenting as a "Broken Cookie" moment - it wasn't just about the speakers, there were accumulated feelings that needed to come out and the speakers were a pretext.
My son took off his jumper and started to chew it to distract himself from his feelings. He put it over his head, as a way to block out the compassion my husband and I were giving him in that moment. Every time we said "we're here" or "we're listening" or "we love you" he would cover his ears and yell "no, no, I don't want you to listen to me, I'm not going to cry!" We found it difficult to create a balance of attention (another Aware Parenting term).
My 10 year old had been experiencing some big feelings, instead of releasing them, he was doing everything he could to keep them in.
This week he became upset because the speakers on his computer weren't working, this was what is referred to in Aware Parenting as a "Broken Cookie" moment - it wasn't just about the speakers, there were accumulated feelings that needed to come out and the speakers were a pretext.
My son took off his jumper and started to chew it to distract himself from his feelings. He put it over his head, as a way to block out the compassion my husband and I were giving him in that moment. Every time we said "we're here" or "we're listening" or "we love you" he would cover his ears and yell "no, no, I don't want you to listen to me, I'm not going to cry!" We found it difficult to create a balance of attention (another Aware Parenting term).
I waited patiently, lovingly, in silence and after a few moments he removed his jumper from his head and looked at me with watery eyes.
I said to him "I would like to ask you a question, which you can answer only if you are willing."
He nodded his head.
I asked, "I'm wondering if you feel willing to share what's happening for you in these moments, where you are trying so hard to keep everything in? I can see how hard that is for you."
He replied, "it reminds me of the time I was in the hospital and a strange lady took me away from you while I was crying."
I stood there, completely speechless.
What my son had told me, had actually happened....when he was one DAY old!
I had experienced a third degree tear while birthing him, and I had to get surgery and a spinal tap. For the first 24 hours, I could not feel my legs, I could not move and I was in a lot of pain.
My husband also wasn't allowed to stay with me overnight.
I was all alone.
Every time my son cried, I had to push the button for nurse assistance, wait for a nurse to arrive and then ask them to pass me my son. During the early hours of the morning, a nurse came in and said she had paperwork to do, so she would take my son and hold him while she worked. After being awake for over 2 days, I did not have the strength to say 'no.'
This is a story I remember very vividly, and apparently my son does too, over a decade after it happened.
Babies experience feelings, stress and trauma while in the womb. Once a baby is born, they are so highly sensitive, helpless, powerless and experience a lot of overwhelm and overstimulation. They have the same need to express their feelings, stresses and traumas as adults.
Throughout the first year of my son's life, he released so many feelings. Feelings I knew were related to parts of my pregnancy where I experienced stress, his birth (which even though it was a natural water birth was very traumatising for both of us) and all the new things he was being exposed to in the world.
My husband and I listened lovingly to his stresses and traumas for hundreds of hours in the first year of his life. We have continued providing our loving, compassionate presence to his feelings, accepting all of him.
So when he told me this memory of him as a newborn, I knew that even after all the listening over the past 10 years, there is still trauma for him with what we both went through in the first few days of his life at the hospital - a place that was not respectful, nurturing or compassionate.
In those moments after he shared his memory with me, he cried and released some of the stress hormones from his body surrounding this experience.
I listened.
I listened as he shared how he didn’t feel safe with this stranger, how he didn’t accept his crying and tried to silence him, how all he wanted was to be in my arms.
I also intuitively know that there is more there, ready to rise to the surface at the right moments for him. I know that there are feelings that have been reactivated in me about this experience, especially after my son shared his memory.
Afterwards, I reflected on some occurrences that had been happening for him this last week. As I mentioned, he has been doing his very best to hold all his feelings inside himself.
I’m not shocked that he remembers being a newborn baby, especially because this memory he shared was traumatic for him. What I was honestly surprised at was that this memory had resurfaced over a decade later, and also after all the feelings that we have listened to in that time, I would have thought the trauma would have been released then.
Our bodies are so wise at knowing when to release stress and trauma from our past, it never gives us too much at anyone time, even though those times can feel very overwhelming and painful.
With babies and children, there are many times where we do not even know the reasons for their tears, and that’s okay. Many times they are releasing accumulated feelings from their past.
Afterwards, I reflected on some occurrences that had been happening for him this last week. As I mentioned, he has been doing his very best to hold all his feelings inside himself.
It's really hard to hold it all together, it has to spill out somewhere.
And it did.
Several times this past week, he has spilled liquids all over the floor:
* he was making porridge and spilt the milk all over the floor;
* he knocked his drink bottle off his bedside table, the lid broke and the contents flooded the floor next to his bed;
* after we cleaned up the big water puddle, he then went to get a drink from a cup in the kitchen, and dropped it. Spilling water everywhere once again;
* he made himself a hot chocolate and knocked it all over the kitchen bench; and
* he made himself lemonade and dropped the cup just before he placed it on the table, it went all over the table and floor.
Marion Rose would call these Messages from Life (I highly recommend the course she co-created with Mary Walker; Conversations with Life), and he was getting many of the same messages . He couldn't hold in all the tears (symbolised by the liquid in the cups).
His feelings were longing to be released, they could no longer be contained in his body, they were spilling out in other areas of his life in a perfect metaphor.
Since he shared this memory with me, and has released some of his accumulated feelings and stresses, he hasn't spilled anything.
One may call all of this a coincidence, however, I don't believe in coincidences.
Sometimes we need messages that come to us externally, symbolic of what is going on for us internally.
Once we hear those messages, and bring awareness and presence to ourselves, to heal, it is remarkable how our internal world re-balances, which is then reflected in our outer world.
For me, the message I received was that sometimes, no matter how many feelings we lovingly listen to, there will be times where past traumas won’t arise until much later. Maybe that’s because until this point in time, this memory was too painful for my son, maybe it was because those feelings have only reactivated recently, or maybe I need to trust in the natural healing process and the timing.
I wonder if this resonates? Are there messages you are receiving from Life that are needing some awareness?
Codename: Flame - Supporting Our Child Through Intense Feelings
As a parent and early childhood educator of over a decade, there are a few things I have observed in children, particularly those who are highly sensitive or who have special needs.
Sometimes, the “usual” approaches do not work, which can leave parents feeling like they are failures, there is something wrong with their child or that Aware Parenting doesn’t work for them. In complete honesty, I went through a period of time, where I thought "Aware Parenting works for every other child, except mine.” This was when I was already a certified Instructor too.
There is so much information I have to share around this, and something I am so passionate about.
As a parent and early childhood educator of over a decade, there are a few things I have observed in children, particularly those who are highly sensitive or who have special needs.
Sometimes, the “usual” approaches do not work, which can leave parents feeling like they are failures, there is something wrong with their child or that Aware Parenting doesn’t work for them. In complete honesty, I went through a period of time, where I thought "Aware Parenting works for every other child, except mine.” This was when I was already a certified Instructor too.
There is so much information I have to share around this, and something I am so passionate about.
One of the things that I have found very helpful is a codename.
My 10 year old son is highly sensitive, has an autism diagnosis, accumulates feelings quicker than “typical” children, and feels and expresses them more intensely.
This has looked like years of exhaustion, overwhelm, exasperation and powerlessness, as we navigate our son’s needs as he grows and develops.
Having practiced Aware Parenting since the moment he was born, he has always known that his feelings are accepted, and we love him always whether he is sad or mad.
A couple of months ago my son was experiencing a particular rough patch, he was really struggling with some intense feelings and he was often in a state of hyperarousal. He said to me, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, why do I always do these hurtful things? I just don’t know what to do. I’m stupid!”
I felt heartbroken, and even writing this now, I can feel the tears coming to my eyes.
We chatted about bringing awareness into his body, when he feels himself headed to a hyperarousal state. What does sensations does he feel in his body? Do they have a colour or shape? Are they located somewhere in particular in his body? What does his body need to do in those moments?
We then came up with a codename because my son didn’t want to declare to the world “I’m struggling.” He wanted a word where only a select few people knew what it meant. My son chose FLAME. Whenever he says this word, it immediately alerts myself and my husband that he is really, really struggling right now, and he needs our loving support urgently.
Since we created this codename, he has used it 3 times. When he has been overwhelmed, distressed and upset. Each time my husband or I have gone to him, held space and accepted all his feelings.
Yesterday he said to me, “thank you for the codename idea, it really helps me let you know how much I’m struggling.”
My husband and I have also discovered that when our son uses this codename, it pulls us out of our own emotional activation, we may be experiencing in the moments we witness our son in hyperarousal. It quickly moves us into a state of pure compassion because we know our son never uses his codename unless it is urgent.
Do you resonate with codenames? Is this something you are willing to bring to your relationship with your child?
When we try the same thing over and over again with our child, without success, it doesn't mean we need to resort to more power-over actions and words. Instead we can see it as an invitation to get creative, try a different approach, reach out for support. Just because it's something that has not been done before, or something you know no one you know has tried, doesn't mean you can't try new things to improve the connection between yourself and your child. To me, parenthood is about self-growth, evolution, healing, creativity, imagination, connection, awareness and re-awakening those things we may have forgotten: curiosity, compassion, wonder, awe, joy.
Are you needing extra support on your parenting journey? I offer 1:1 sessions to meet you wherever you are at on your parenting journey, to walk alongside you, to support you and your child through many challenges. These sessions are filled with unconditional acceptance, compassion, understanding and are trauma-informed.
How to Support Yourself and Your Child Through a Medical Procedure
One of the most difficult situations we can go through with our children is medical procedures. Whether it be a blood test, dentist visit or a surgery, these events can leave us and our child feeling scared, anxious, overwhelmed and powerless.
As a parent, there are some things that we can do to support our child and ourselves, both before and after, to reduce and release the feelings of stress and trauma associated with medical procedures.
Not only have many of my clients used these suggestions with great success, I have also used them with my own children and the children I care for in my at-home daycare.
One of the most difficult situations we can go through with our children is medical procedures. Whether it be a blood test, dentist visit or a surgery, these events can leave us and our child feeling scared, anxious, overwhelmed and powerless.
As a parent, there are some things that we can do to support our child and ourselves, both before and after, to reduce and release the feelings of stress and trauma associated with medical procedures.
Not only have many of my clients used these suggestions with great success, I have also used them with my own children and the children I care for in my at-home daycare.
When my eldest son was 2 years old, he split the bottom of his lip so badly, it required general anaesthetic and a cosmetic surgeon to repair. When he was 5 years old, he had his tonsils and adenoids out. We were able to prepare him and ourselves with the suggestions written below.
If you know in advance that your child is going to have a medical procedure, here are some things that you can do to prepare them and yourself:
Role play/symbolic play can assist children in preparing for any situation, including medical procedures. If you have a toy medical kit and some soft toys/dolls you play with them, with your child to show them what to expect. You can then let your child take over and direct the play to see what happens. This can give insight into any anxieties they may be feelings, for example maybe they might say the doctor is scary. You can then introduce laughter, because laughter is one of the most effective ways the body releases fears.
One of my family’s favourite games is The Bumbling Doctor/Patient:
To start with, I would recommend that your child assigns the role of patient and doctor to each of you, and then you can swap roles. No matter what your role though, you will be acting like a bumbling, confused and silly patient/doctor. Remember, this won’t necessarily mean that your child will act like this at their appointment/procedure, this is a means to get your child to release their scared feelings through laughter and connection with you, so that they feel more confident going into their appointment.
Bumbling patient: if you start as the patient, you can pretend you hurt a part of your body, you’re unwell or just need fixing. Ask your doctor if you can lie down so they can see what’s wrong with you. For example, maybe you broke your arm. You can mock exaggerate the hurt “oh it hurts so much, it feels like it’s fallen off” and then indicate your arm as your foot. Your child will probably correct your complete incompetence at recognising your own anatomy. You can then say “thank goodness you know what’s what doctor.” This will help your child feel powerful in their role as a doctor, which can counteract their feelings of powerlessness about their medical appointment/procedure.
Bumbling doctor: you could have your child lie down and ask them how you can help them. They might say their tummy hurts. You can then go their knee “oh here’s your tummy, hmm it does look a bit odd.” Your child will most likely giggle and re-direct you to their abdomen. You can overshoot their abdomen and look at their neck “oh here it is I found your tummy.” Once again there will be laughter and your child will show you where their tummy is. You can start to get mock confused “what that can’t be right, are you sure that’s your tummy?” You can continue like this, as your child releases their fears through laughter, and finds your incompetence as a doctor hilarious.
Non-Directive Child-Centered Play:
The premise of this play is to set a timer for a designated period of time, it could be as little as 5 minutes, up to however long you feel you can remain completely uninterrupted and completely present with you child. You can call this play whatever you wish, some call it Special Time, Mummy/Son Time, I call it Presence Time. The idea is that your child has full control (within reason) of what you do during Presence Time, and there is only one child and at least one adult. The child chooses what to do, it may be cooking, art, lego, bike riding or even imaginative play where they assign both of you a role. In this time, you give your child your full undivided attention, you do what they say and you bask in the beauty of the child before you. This strengthens the connection between you and your child, counteracts feelings of powerlessness as you are their safety anchor, and can promotes feelings of love, security and support before they go into their procedure.
Hold Space for Feelings that Arise
With feelings of fear, anxiety and apprehension, it is normal for children to express those feelings through crying, raging or laughter. Scientific studies, such as one conducted by biochemist, William Frey, discovered that our tears contain stress hormones. This means that our tears, are the body’s natural method for releasing accumulated stress within the body. As the saying “better out than in” applies to tears too. When your child cries for emotional reasons, you can sit with them and hold a space of safety and love. You can say things such as “I’m here with you” “I can you are feeling …” “I’m listening.” When you validate, acknowledge and hold space for another person, whether that be child or adult, you are showing them you unconditionally accept all parts of them, and you allow healing to happen for that person.
Listening Support For Yourself
Sometimes, we feel so frightened, overwhelmed and powerless ourselves. If we walk around bottling up these feelings, our children can sense our own fears and anxieties, which can affect how they view and feel about the impending procedure. One beneficial way we can care for ourselves is to ask a trusted friend or family member to hold space for us (the same way as mentioned above) where fixes, solutions and advice is not given. Instead, someone listens to all that is going on for us, so we can release that burden in loving company.
Sometimes, you have no time to prepare. You have to rush your child to the hospital, or an accident happens that not only causes physically trauma, but emotional trauma too.
When my younger son was 14 months old, he was diagnosed with a severe and life-threatening blood disorder, which resulted in too many blood tests and cannulas to count, and many emergency visits as soon as he had a fever. We lived for 5 years in a state of fear, anxiety and powerlessness. Thankfully, this is a medical condition he outgrew, and we still have quite the road ahead of us to recover from the trauma and stress.
If the medical procedure is urgent, an emergency or if you and your child need to heal from past medical procedures, here are some helpful things to help you recover emotionally and mentally:
When a child is held down at the dentist, during a blood test or for any other medical procedure, it can result in big feelings of powerlessness. To release these feelings, we can use Attachment Play such as pillow fights, tag, hide and seek, wrestling, or piggy back rides. In these games the main goal is that the child is in the position of power, and we are the incompetent play partner. Our child is the one that knocks us over with the pillow and when we try to hit them, we miss or our pillow is too heavy. When we play tag, our child always catches us, but they are too fast for us to catch them. When we play hide and seek, we hide in more obvious places and are dumbfounded by how quickly we were found, when we seek, we act mock-confused as to where our child is. When we give piggy back rides we get our child to tap our shoulders to indicate which direction they would like to go in, maybe they lead us straight into a wall. All of these games lead to lots of laughter, and that laughter releases anxiety and stress.
You can also play and adapt any of the games above.
Listening to the Big Feelings
Once again, as above, when we hold space for the crying and raging, we allow our child’s body’s natural healing mechanism to release all the stress hormones that have accumulated. Once a child releases these feelings (it may take several cries, over a period of time depending on the severity of the medical procedure, and how frightening and overwhelming the experience was for your child) they won’t be carrying around the emotional baggage, stress or trauma.
Seek more support
It’s important to remember that the healing process can take time, especially if you and your child have had no time to prepare. Each child and parent is unique, so remember what works really well some one individual, might not work as well for another. Sometimes you need to use trial and error to see what works best for your child in any given moment. If you’re finding it too overwhelming, if complex trauma is evident or you are really struggling to cope, please seek professional support. Allowing others to help, can help you and your child to heal, recover and strengthen your wellbeing.
Using Play for Challenging Times
Play probably seems like the last thing you would think to do when your child is being uncooperative and resistant. However, when your child is behaving in ways that have you wanting to pull your hair out, play might be just the thing to help both of you through that moment.
When a child is acting aggressively (hitting or biting), it is because something is going on for them in that moment, and they are communicating the best way they know how; through their undesirable behaviour. In those moments, our children are disconnected from themselves and also from us. In those moments, our children are disconnected, from themselves and also from us. We can move in to repair that connection through play.
Play probably seems like the last thing you would think to do when your child is being uncooperative and resistant. However, when your child is behaving in ways that have you wanting to pull your hair out, play might be just the thing to help both of you through that moment.
When a child is acting aggressively (hitting or biting), it is because something is going on for them in that moment, and they are communicating the best way they know how; through their undesirable behaviour. In those moments, our children are disconnected from themselves and also from us. In those moments, our children are disconnected, from themselves and also from us. We can move in to repair that connection through play.
Play – especially the nonsense, silly kind – elicits laughter. Laughter releases stress, fears and anxieties from the body, promotes connection, and counteracts feelings of powerlessness and lack of control. “Laughter is the best medicine” may sound like an overused cliché, however, it is one of the most powerful gifts we can give to our children, and to ourselves.
I mean just think, would you rather yell, timeout and continue feeling frazzled when your child refuses to listen? Or would you rather have fun, laugh and bring so much joy to this moment with your child?
Also, important to note: No, play does not “reward” your child’s uncooperative behaviour. Our children generally only misbehave when they are struggling, so if we see our child as having a moment of struggle, we can offer more compassion, empathy and understanding to them and what they are experiencing.
We use play to re-build the connection, re-build the trust and re-build the relationship so that our children can process what is going on for them, and with play we are doing it in a respectful way that doesn’t diminish what they are going through.
When children feel connected to themselves and us, as their parents, they are more cooperative, and we can go about continuing our day with our cups full.
Here are four of my favourite games to play with your child for those challenging and uncooperative times:
1.Getting out the door in the morning rush:
Do you ever have those moments were you just need to get out the door and your child resists you every step of the way?
There’s a power struggle, you both end of screaming at each other, you both become more worked up and the rest of the day just seems miserable. Sound familiar? Well, the good news is, is that you have the power to turn the entire situation around.
One of the games that my children and I love playing for this tricky time is:
“The Door Won’t Let Me Leave”
This game basically involves you attempting to walk through the door, but for some reason you just can’t seem to step out the door. It’s like there is a forcefield preventing you from leaving.
As you feebly try to exit your house, you can say things like:
“I don’t understand, why can’t I get through”
“What’s going on?”
“Come on door please let me through, please???”
You can add some pretend shoulders to the door way, as you pretend to barge your way out. Listen to your child’s laughter, where the laughter is, follow it. It may get to the point where your child is so over your incompetence that they can just walk through the doorway, leaving you inside “What!? How did you do that, why can’t I get out?”
Basically, you pretend to be really baffled, confused and powerless as to why you can’t get out the door, and maybe your child can. This will release all the feelings about rushing out the door, going to an appointment and the resistance that goes with that. And by all means, add yours and your child’s own flare to the game. Make it yours.
2.Lashing out at others Does your child tend to lash out at others – hitting, kicking, pushing, bickering?
When our children act out, it is because they are disconnected from themselves and from those they love. They feel powerless, and to counteract that powerlessness they lash out at others. So, when you see your child in this state, punishments and time outs will actually further disconnect them and exacerbate the problem.
If you want to know what the neuroscience says, here is a brief explanation:
The emotional turmoil that we feel comes from our “downstairs” brain, and our rational thinking comes from our “upstairs” brain. When children are acting out, it is because their upstairs brain is no longer connected, so to speak, and the best way to reconnect it, so that they can think before they act, is to offer love, acceptance and compassion. That’s why play and laughter is so effective, because your child will feel connected to you, safe, loved and will make better choices.
“The Love Monster”
You know those times where your otherwise lovingly, cooperative child becomes aggressive, irritable and starts taking it out on other people or other things? Well, those times are where the Love Monster works its magic.
When you notice your child acting in an aggressive way, you can move in as a clumsy, awkward Love Monster, whose sole purpose is to spread love to children who are angry, frustrated and disconnected. To do this you can say to your child “Do I see a child who needs some more love?” Then you can move in to your child clumsily saying “I must hug you, you need more love.” Your child will probably want to run away and you can bumble along behind them saying “you need more love.” Once you get to your child shower them with hugs and “I love you.” If they get away, “hey where did you go, you still need more love.” Your child will laugh and giggle. Once you notice them relax, you know the work of the Love Monster has succeeded.
3.Homework Getting your child to do their schoolwork/homework can be an all-out battle between the 2 of you. You nag your child to do the work, they become resistant, an argument ensues, you get the picture.
Sometimes our children are resistant because they don’t want to mess up or get it wrong, they feel incompetent and stressed about the expectations placed upon them.
The game that I recommend for these times, first occurred for me spontaneously when I was a parent helper at my son’s school literacy groups. I was assigned the group that had my son plus 3 other children, all bright readers. One of the children was known to be uncooperative, distracting to the other children and also fidgety. The teacher said he would take this child off my hands because he was “difficult.” I replied that this child could stay here with the rest of his reading group and that I could handle anything that came up. The teacher looked at me doubtfully.
Well, that child was “difficult,” he was rocking in his chair, refusing to participate and not listening. So, I turned it into a game, he found it hilarious, read the book fluently and paid attention for the rest of the literacy group.
“I Can’t Read”
Sit next to your child at the table where they are refusing to do their schoolwork, or maybe they are having trouble completing it because it’s “too hard.” Pick up the book or worksheet upside down “wow this is tricky, I’m finding it really difficult to understand this.” You can even try reading the words backwards. Your child will either start laughing, or look at you like you’re a complete moron. They may say “Mum you’re holding the paper upside down” or “you know how to read.” You could reply with “oh silly me” or “hmm I don’t know what happened, one minute I could read and now…what am I going to do” (said in a dramatic voice) or “I can read see” and you proceed to continue reading the words backwards so you are speaking gibberish. Basically, you’re being mock silly, incompetent and incapable of doing their schoolwork. Your child will laugh, possibly call you a loser (or similar) and then try and correct you.
When they get to the correction page, you can either pretend you are still struggling or say “wow how did you know all that, I didn’t have a clue.”
This game is all about making your child feel powerful in a powerless situation. You are in essence acting out their feelings of incompetence.
4.Sibling rivalry
Siblings have one of the most beautiful relationship bonds. However, there are times when conflicts mount, and things can become volatile. Reflecting back on my own childhood with my siblings, we definitely had our arguments, our screaming matches, it didn’t get physical though. My two boys on the other hand, can go from comrades to enemies faster than you can blink an eye, and their arguments can be explosive and physical. One of the things I have found works wonders at restoring their connection, and assisting in the negotiation stage later, is play. As well as promoting connection, play also helps release some of the accumulated stress and other big feelings children experience that causes them to lash out in the first place. To counteract sibling rivalry, presenting an invitation for them to work cooperatively together in a playful way can restore cooperation and the sibling bond.
“The Sneaky Elf”
When children are fighting, the sneaky elf (AKA the parent/carer) comes in and cheekily removes an item the children are arguing about, in a mock gloating voice you can say “hehehe I got it and it’s all mine.” Then you run away, you can trip and fall, and act like a very clumsy elf. Your children catch up with you and a wrestling match ensues, where the children need to work together to get back their treasure from the sneaky elf. The elf can act determined that it will never be beaten but the children always win, then the elf is mock sad or mock angry. There is lots of laughter, power-reversal (with the adult in the weaker, incompetent role), nonsense, silliness and fun. Every time I have played this little game with children, their cooperation and connection is restored to each other, they know that there is a safe and trusted adult there to support them, and they are more likely to cooperate and negotiate through the big feelings that led to the disagreement.
I have found the best types of play involves us being so silly and bumbling, that not only do our children laugh, but we laugh too. Meaning play is therapy for both child and parent. When we put ourselves in the incompetent, powerless roles, we empower our children and counteract any feelings of powerlessness they may have in relation to everything in their lives.
Remember, when children feel connected to themselves and us, they are more cooperative, compassionate, respectful and loving.
The next time you are struggling with one of the above scenarios, I invite you to try play instead. You might just find it is the game-changer you need in your life.
Get creative, follow your child’s laughter, and have fun inventing games that have you both in stitches.
How I Discovered Aware Parenting
Before I even planned on having kids, I always had this vision of how I would parent. There is a little known fact that every new generation of parents evolve from the way they were raised. Why? Simply because there were parts from all of our childhoods that we knew we didn’t like and therefore we decided to do things differently when it was our turn to have children. For me, I knew that I wouldn’t use punishments, spanking or timeouts with my children.
When I did become pregnant with my first child, I still had in my head the way I wanted to raise him. I had no idea if there was even a way of parenting out there that met my needs as a soon-to-be parent. Little did I know at the time that my desire to parent a certain way would land on my lap and send me on a journey that would shape myself as a Mum, entrepreneur and human being.
Before I even planned on having kids, I always had this vision of how I would parent. There is a little known fact that every new generation of parents evolve from the way they were raised. Why? Simply because there were parts from all of our childhoods that we knew we didn’t like and therefore we decided to do things differently when it was our turn to have children. For me, I knew that I wouldn’t use punishments, spanking or timeouts with my children.
When I did become pregnant with my first child, I still had in my head the way I wanted to raise him. I had no idea if there was even a way of parenting out there that met my needs as a soon-to-be parent. Little did I know at the time that my desire to parent a certain way would land on my lap and send me on a journey that would shape myself as a Mum, entrepreneur and human being.
In my 8th month of pregnancy with my first child I was reading the Appendix section at the back of my Calmbirth book when I came across an essay written by Marion Rose (now my Mentor and dear Friend) about something called Aware Parenting, which is a parenting philosophy by Developmental Psychologist Aletha Solter PhD. As I sat there all bulgy and pregnant, my mouth got wider and wider in complete shock, delight and excitement as I soaked in those 5 pages of words. I thought to myself “Oh my goodness, can this really be? There is a parenting philosophy out there that 100% fit my desires as a parent. Plus so much more?” The answer was yes. I got up as quickly as an 8-month pregnant woman could and hobbled into the kitchen to share my exciting discovery with my husband. I read to him the entire article out loud. At the end I asked him what he thought. He said that it resonated with him before I’d even finished the first paragraph! That’s pretty powerful stuff.
The next thing I did was jump on the Book Depository website and ordered every single one of Aletha’s books on Aware Parenting (there were 4 at the time, there are now 5). Unfortunately the books didn’t arrive before my son was born, but once they arrived I devoured each page of those four books as quickly as I could. Thankfully, it didn’t take long because the time spent sitting up at night feeding my newborn gave me the opportunity to read the books that changed my life.
I became so passionate about Aware Parenting and sort other parents out in my community and abroad who were following this approach. I then connected with Marion (who I mentioned above). I have done several of the amazing online courses she has to offer. I lived and breathed Aware Parenting, all with the support from my husband – which let me tell you, when you are on the same page about parenting as your spouse if freaking amazing. Our family didn’t really understand this different kind of parenting. Some of them probably thought the whole thing was completely ludicrous. However, there were a couple of family members that went to the effort to understand and even practice Aware Parenting with my kids, for which I am truly grateful.
As my journey into Aware Parenting deepened, I realised it was more a way of life than just a way to parent. It sparked in me a deep passion and altered my career course to specialise in parenting and children. It was very early on that I decided I was going to become a Certified Aware Parenting Instructor. I achieved this almost 4 years ago; 3 years after I commenced my Aware Parenting journey.
So what is this Aware Parenting you ask? If you’ve read my previous blog posts they will give you some inkling as to the philosophy. Aware Parenting is about honouring a child for who they are, seeing them for who they are instead of their behaviour. It is a way of life encompassing compassion, empathy, cooperation, connection and understanding. There are three main components as outlined by Aletha as the core of what Aware Parenting is. These are:
* Attachment-style parenting
* Natural childbirth and early bonding
* Plenty of physical contact
* Prolonged breast-feeding
* Prompt responsiveness to crying
* Sensitive attunement
* Non-punitive discipline
* No punishments of any kind (including spanking, "time-out", and artificial "consequences")
* No rewards or bribes
* A search for underlying needs and feelings
* Anger management for parents
* Peaceful conflict-resolution (family meetings, mediation, etc.)
* Healing from stress and trauma
* Recognition of stress and trauma (including unmet needs) as primary causes of behavioral and emotional problems
* Emphasis on prevention of stress and trauma
* Recognition of the healing effects of play, laughter, and crying in the context of a loving parent/child relationship
* Respectful, empathic listening and acceptance of children's emotions
(Copyright © 1994 by Aletha Solter “copied with permission from the Aware Parenting Institute website” http://www.awareparenting.com/aspects.html)
All of these principles are based on scientific and psychological research into the development of a human baby and child. When you read that tears and tantrums are healing, I wonder how that makes you feel? Before I came across Aware Parenting, I thought these were things that needed to be stopped. However, after reading the scientific research it makes complete sense for me personally. Biochemist William Fey discovered that when we cry to release emotions such as sadness, powerlessness, frustration and anger we are releasing stress hormones from our body. This is a crucial step in allowing our body to regain equilibrium.
Aware Parenting is following what works for you, tuning in to your own feelings around all aspects of your life and going with what resonates with you. As with everything in life, take what you like and leave the rest when you close this window.
I have lived, breathed and parented Aware Parenting for 7 years, and I can say with absolute certainty that the times I have stumbled (whether from exhaustion or stress) and defaulted to the way I was raised (punishment, timeouts, etc), my children have not responded well. When I use Aware Parenting by connecting before correcting, using play for challenging behaviours and holding space for big feelings, everyone feels happier and more connected.